Sunday, November 14, 2010

day 2/ masodik nap reggele

9 kor keltem nagyon rosszul aludtam mert tul keson ettem. 81.4 kg voltam. a mai penzum 1 ora tengeri uszas 60 km bringa 10 km futas.. ideje elkezdenem mert ez min 4 oramba fog keruli :) kell egy kis energia is szoval kajalok egy nagyot most!

I woke up at 9 am. but had a horrible nght as i ate too late in the evening. i have an hour swim in the sea; 60 km on the bike and brick 10 km run. its better i start the day it will take me more than 4 hours i guess. i have some food now and ready to jump into the sea at Jumeirah Beach Residence :) btw i was 81.4 kg in the morning.

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