Sunday, November 7, 2010

Versenyszezon kezdete; Beginning of my racing season

Magyar Verzio:

Az idei evre nem terveztem be sok verseny mert tavaly elegge kiegtem a sok versenyzesben es nem ereztem magam 100% nak mindenhol. Legtobbszor faradtan kialvatlanul ugrottam be a vizbe a helyi es nemzetkozi Triathlon versenyeken.

Iden ez egesszen mashogy lesz; van.

Az idei elso komolyab megmerettetesem az Eleven Triathlon( olimpiai tav) lesz.Mindenrol majd bovebben.

A heten elkezdtem az edzest ujra. Egy betegseg es egyeb okok miatt ki kellett hagynom 2 hetet. 4 het es eldordul a pisztoly es hajra. Ugty erzem csak ki kell eleznem a formamat addig mert az allokepesegemmel nincs gond.

A hetet konnyed atmozgatassal kezdtem. fel ora futas lazan a konditeremben majd fel ora erosites. has; la; hat; bicepsz stb. jol esett nagyon mert kicsit mar ossze voltak esve az izmaim.

Mindenrol majd bovebben. Felkeszulesrol; tervekrol; allapotrol; felszerelesrol mindenrol lesz itt szo kerem :)

English version

For the coming year I haven’t planned many races as last year I did a kind of burned out with the too much racing and didn’t felt that I could give 100% on each races. Most of the times I jumped into the water on race day already tired on the local and international races.

This season is going to be so much different.

My first real race going to be the ELEVEN Olympic distance( 1.5k swim; 40 km bike 10 km run) race here in Dubai on the 2nd of December.

This week I have started my starting again. Dua to illness I had to miss 2 weeks and have 4 weeks till the gun goes off again. I feel that I have the endurance I just need to get my form into the best .

This week I am going easy trainings I did a half an hour of run and a half an hour strength training in the gym. Felt good but my muscles seems to be gone J

About everything a little bit later (preparation; training; equipments I will spread the world about everything. J

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