Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The time is here 3 weeks to go starting on Friday/ 3 het a versenyig

Magyar Valtozat:
Lassan itt az ido; mar csak 2 nap a lecsoig! Azaz az utolso 3 het edzes Kis Gyula edzo osszeammitasa alapjan. O ezt csinalta az utolso periodusban mikor a budapesti IRU Triathlon VB re keszult.

English Version:
The time is here and I will enter the preparation for the last 3 weeks for the Olympic Triathlon held on the 2nd of December.

This 3 week training plan was used by Gyula Kis ( Hungarian Half Ironman champion 2010 and who finished third in his age group at the ITU Wolds Championship In Budapest this summer. I will start with a sea swim  aprox 3 km abound Burj al Arab 

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